Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

18th November 2013

Woke up with a headache and was hoping to have a lie down after dropping the kids at school, but a quick trip to the shops was needed first. This didn't clear my head either and the paracetamol I took didn't seem to be having any effect. Got home, just boiled the kettle and the phone rang. The care home needed me to go over and speak to Dad, he was making accusations against me and he wasn't being very nice at all.

I get there and he was lying on the bed, all bent over like a sulking child. He started instantly; he hates it there, wants to go home to die. I sat and talked to him, calmed him down and managed to make him understand that he is doing brilliantly with his walking and that he's years away from dying. Then the manager joined us. Well, what can I say? I have been accused of stealing his money, selling his house, locking him in the home so I can steal his belongings. He had told the carers that he hates me and never wants to see me again. When confronted with this he denied everything. Then eventually admitted that he did, but it was said in the heat of the moment and that he didn't mean it. The manager had to tell him that if he makes accusations like that again, his social worker will be informed and they will have to hold a meeting to discuss his behaviour. Turns out he was shouting so much that he was upsetting the other residents. They also told him that they know everything I have done for him, every bill that I have paid because I didn't want him complaining (hairdresser, chiropodist) and that the have a duty to protect me as much as they do him. And she said she will not have him talking about me like that again. He didn't like being told off but they had to do it, he was never going to tell me what he had said. Trouble is, he just likes to moan sometimes. And I'm the only one who he sees so I get it all. I guess I'll have to prepare myself for more tests, I think the home want him tested for dementia (even though he was tested earlier this year and no mass was found). Good job I have broad shoulders.

My girls and I ended the day with our very own shadow puppet show. Laughing with my girls lifts my spirits.

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