Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Cool Woofing!

This doesn't count as an EDB as it was taken in the early evening not at that late and desperate portion of the evening..

I have had a quiet day here doing home type stuff -laundry ,ironing shopping and so on ,so when the kids came home the dogs came to life and had a mad 1/2 hour which was fun but hard to capture on film -more skills needed.

When I was planning dinner later Boris was trying to help selecting his own and more maybe?He is so big now he puts his head on the dinner table and as you can see in the fridge and also the dishwasher.He is really a gentle giant but still thinks he is pint sized.

We had Scouts tonight which was a possible blip as we are doing 1st aid and also some new Scouts were invested which is always nice ,I will maybe wait until next week when we may be using the resusiannies once more.

Hope your day was good too,thanks for having a peek ..

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