Red Strand ...

... looking rather silvery.

Snow on the mountains this morning and a distinct nip in the air! I had to go into Clonakilty to pick up a card order so Himself decided to come with me and make a day of it. We collected the cards (rather snazzy new sets), had a quick wander around Clon and then headed out towards Galley Head. I took the scenic route not entirely meaning to, and we landed up at Red Strand having first had a quick detour to look at a holy well dedicated to St James - signposted from the road so irresistable. It was a bit over restored but in an interesting little hamlet. We then had a frolic on the beach at Red Strand - just us and a lot of seagulls and an amazing light. If you biggify you can see the gulls paddling at the water's edge and in the distance, perched on the cliff is Galley Head lighthouse. Unfortunately for Himself I had also spotted another sign to yet another holy well and this involved a ramble inwards and upwards along the cliff. We found nothing and were walking back when a car stopped and the old boy within grilled us - where were we from, what were doing so far from home, where was our car? He knew about the well though and intructions were given. The path narrowed as we approached and sitting behind a very flimsy bit of fence was an enormous bull with a ring through his nose, and his harem. The girls were a bit frisky but he looked very chilled. The well was also fairly highly restored but still visited , dedicated to the BVM, a statue of herself gazing piously out to sea. We then wend our way down more tiny roads to reach Galley Head where the wind was blowing and the rocks were scary.

Home now but out again shortly as its Arthouse night - What Maisie Knew. Will report back and catch up tomorrow.

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