There and back again

By Mikes

The Wray Valley

Dartmoor raises up like a dome from the Devon farm land that surrounds it and there are many ways you can take up onto the moor. One of my favorites is to take the A382 down the Wray Valley.

As you leave Bovey Tracey on the road that skirts the northern border of the moor, you will start to climb and after some two miles you will reach the top of a rise where there is a cross roads called "Slade Cross".

As the road drops away you will see the Wray Valley open up on your left. The next 5 or so miles will take you through the valley of the River Wray and some fantastic scenery. It is a journey that is probably appreciated more by the passenger as it is a very narrow and winding route and the driver will need his concentration. . We are very lucky as this is the route that leads us to our Dartmoor Base.

This is definitely one for look at in "Large"

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