Northern Exposure

By Northern


I finally found a stranger!

As I scurried along Albert St in Kirkwall this morning and only spotted people I knew, I casually waved to Kirsteen who was putting up festive window displays. My brain being not quite awake yet, it took me about 20 steps to realise that it wasn't Kirsteen, it was someone I didn't know. The poor girl was then subjected to a nutter running into the shop shouting "I don't know you, do I?" Thankfully Kirsteen was there to explain that I wasn't quite as mad as I appeared, which gave me the opportunity to tell them all about Blip and the B&W camera project.

It was great to meet Ingrid, who is doing a graduate placement with Kirsteen after gaining her masters in Fashion & Textiles. She's also a photographer so maybe we'll get another Orkney blipper signed up... or then again, maybe she'll just now know to hide quickly if she sees me in the street.

BTW - It snowed today!

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