Lovesongs Playing in the Restaurants...

DDW November Challenge


What a day. What a day indeedy and all about Vehicles!

Had an amazing dream. I was working somewhere, but I was leaving, loads of people turned up to say goodbye to me, and I was completely guttered and "left to freshen up", and when I returned only two of my mates remained. Sleeping on the Bar. All the presents everyone had brought me, including a Trophy, had been raffled. Canvas frames had been hung up on the wall. ha! What fun. Anyone any ideas?

So anyways, I get up. Sit on couch for a long while, contemplate drying my hair, and moving. Got my lunch, Yorkshire Bolognaise (Last nights Bolognaise, with A spare Yorkshire Pudding), and headed out to the car. (VEHICLE PART ONE)

Roger fired up well. Especially as Si had to unfrost Gordon. I slammed Rog into Reverse and reversed out the drive, and kept reversing. When I realised that Rog wasn't going to go into first gear, I manouvered Rog onto S across the road's pavement space, and apologised profusely out the window to him. He came over and we contemplated what might be wrong...

I text "Dad", I text Si, I text my work.

Between us we figured we could make Rog go in First if we started the Engine in first. So I put him back in the drive, and headed for the Train. (VEHICLE Part TWO).

It was exceptionally I had to walk like stiff zombie. But the air was beautiful and I was really happy to walk. When I got to the station, I hung around the trees for a while and remembered the chats I used to have with Molly, about trees budding, and burns flowing... And then I glanced down to the shore.

And look at the WATER, and ARRAN. Arran was covered in Snow, absolutely beautiful. Sadly my camera did not want to focus on the beauty that was the snow covered hills from the station, so I had to wait until the train crossed the golf course and I had a clear vista. Wow. Beautiful.

When I got off the train at Prestwick S (Not the same S who spoke to me about the car), picked me up and brought me round to the office. (VEHICLE PART 3)

I worked exceptionally hard all day, I even impressed myself.

Then my Beloved S came and picked me up (VEHICLE4).

Lots of Vehicles And the good news is "Dad" has just been in, looked at Rog and says "It is not unsurmountable".

Thanks Dad!

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