There Are No Words Left to Speak...

DDW November Challenge - Something you Do Every Day

Every day, I get up. I lay in bed for as long as humanly possible, (sometimes longer), sleepwalk through a shower, get dressed, pick up my camera and head to work.

Sometimes, I stop on the way there. A quick stop off at the beach, or next to a field. I gaze round the office,I gaze out the window. I hang out the stair window, I lay on the floor. I maybe do some work.

Then, I have my return journey home.. Maybe another stop off. If the moon is low on the horizon, a quick pull into the layby, a gaze at the sky. Home, chat, catch up. Draw, knit, crochet, eat. Chat some more, TV...

Chat to the kids... Check in make sure they are behaving and well.

Always in the background, always looking, always thinking "how does that look".

And then, well, at least every single day for the last 1359 days.... over three and a half years... I use one of the photos I've taken during the day, and blip.

Today's blip was the shadow cast by the bushes beside the car at the Supermarket... It looked like a whole new world in minature.

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