Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

The Janion 1891

A hint of former beauty can be seen amid the decay - The Globe & Mail, January 2012

It's been vacant for 35 years. Despite local discontent with the state of The Janion, I've always thought it quite beautiful. The entrances are tall and slender, and deep bay windows hang out over Store Street. The first floor was only boarded up a few years ago, after an incident with a squatter. Before that the original doors hung in place.

"We" (CHUM Television, now BellMedia) looked at buying The Janion in 2000 to house our TV and radio stations. I wasn't on the survey but I've seen the architects photos. The interior is truly stunning ... if you can see past the crumbled walls and droopy ceilings. Lots of dipsy doodle details in the woodwork and a fine central staircase.

A few years ago the woman that owned The Janion applied for a demolition permit. The City immediately slapped a heritage designation on it. She later died, the building fell into her son's hands, and he's now sold it to a developer. The developer plans to build micro-lofts, which are basically self contained units of about 300 sq ft each. A beehive on the Upper Harbour. Perfect! It was actually a hotel to begin with!

Due to the strict heritage designation the developer is obliged to retain the original exterior. I'll let you know how that goes.

Renos are due to start "any day now".

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