Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Ndale lodge view

The lush after -the -afternoon -rain view from the porch of our cottage -looking west towards the Congo.
Today we drove from on the longest continuous dirt road I've ever been on -full of holes, some full of deep water or mud, one lane. 10 hours of bumping and jolting. ( 2 stops). But oh my the humanity and the culture we passed-including the dirt road yesterday where everyone was walking to church all dressed up, today we saw many kids in many different colored school uniforms going to different schools, ( some little kids carrying a stick to cook their lunch with) coffee, maize, and cassava all spread out on cloths to dry, every bike and motorcycle getting a wash in any stream ( for good reason) and washing clothes, several markets along the way -delicious tomatoes are in abundance now ( with the price going down) an (illegal) still making gin, lining up for the water pumps, carrying everything on heads or bikes, lots of chickens goats and longhorn cows, to name just a few of the sights. Will try for a few on Flickr later -most pix were out the window of a jumpy car. And stories from our drivers and guide to fill in. We did wonder if our destination -Ndale lodge-would be worth all that long jostling. And it was!!!! Wonderful little cottages with a view to the west like this and Ndale crater to the east. A solar light, but mostly candlelight- excellent food. Pool and sauna. Run by a 3rd generation Brit -the 1st who arrived in the 20s to pioneer tea growing in this area. Idi Amin confiscated all foreign owned land, so when president Museveni invited dispossessed landowners back, the son reclaimed the land and found this special spot and viewpoint, built a lodge that his son and Ugandan wife now run along with another family.
Tired. But full of extraordinary sights .

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