Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

On the Nile River

Day 5. Game drive in the am where we watched young giraffes "wrestling" just like my grandsons..... Boat on the Nile later in the afternoon to the Delta where this "Victoria" Nile ( the Nile after it leaves Lake Victoria) meets Lake Albert and then after that it's called the "Albert" Nile until it turns into the White Nile ( at Khartoum) and meets the blue Nile where it joins from Ethiopia. Longest river in the world and I love being here and imagining those early explorers trying to find the source.... That was true adventure!!!! So here's after sunset on the Nile, with egrets whizzing by us to go meet up with hundreds of birds at a very protected spot for the night. More and more am I am really NOT a birder but I have to admit there are some very exotic birds to photograph and that is very fun. Just like the grainy blue and white here, and had to make a speedy was such a magical night- a full moon and a sunset set near where Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart were floating the African Queen.

Tomorrow we drive all day to our next park where there is no electricity. So I'm thinking no blip. But know that all is well and we're having a great time! Hope to get caught up on sleep soon :-)

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