Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Art and more Art

Today has been an exceptionally busy, full on, non stop round of catch-up as final preparations get under way for these imminent 'events' in the school calendar!!!

Parent Teacher Conferences tomorrow and Thursday.

Next week....KHDA's Inspection, which has been brought forward from Monday to Sunday so they can be finished on Wednesday not Thursday. (They didn't realise it was National Day weekend starting on Thursday 28th!!!! ) If they get that so wrong..what hope is there for us!!

Albert and I took it all in our stride though!!!

We chuckled our way through Maths, Science and English before ending up in Art where we managed to cut, paste and assemble some National Day 'cubes' for prominent display when certain people are parading around the school...ooohing and aaahing!! maybe!

I'll take my camera in, get some real live pics of them tomorrow....and share them with you!

Albert's palm tree got a punk rock hair cut....but his flag was pretty impressive! (He hates getting his fingers sticky!!!)

Looking forward to Music tomorrow and another episode of the Trojan War!!!

Hope you've all had as productive a day as us!.

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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