Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Rehearsals, Rehearsals, Rehearsals!!!

Courtesy of Stevie Wonder and "I Just Called to say I Loved You"

No Trojan war,
No Art to do
No Science, maths or fun PE to help us through
Just mega songs
Thats all we did
So many times repeating them
We almost flipped our lid!

I just wish it all was over
I just wish rehearsals were all done
I just wish I'd never heard that song
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart!!!!!

Another music lesson tomorrow.....better loosen up the vocal chords in anticipation...!

On a lighter note....this is Happy (alias GK) just before we negotiated the manic crowds in City Centre...attempting to get the shopping done before the weekend! Think the whole of Dubai had the same idea!

Went straight from GK's work so had a pit stop at Coco's where they were doing complimentary soup with the main meal. We definitely needed the fortification against the mayhem to come.

Safely home now and bedward bound!!! Need that earlyish night to ensure the overworked vocal chords are in good shape for tomorrows marathon! Only one week before the performance! Wonder if we'll have anything left by the end of it!

Albert thinks its all so hilarious because he doesn't understand the words. He just joins in the actions with his own version of Michael Jackson's moon walking... and he's really good at it!!!

Just wait till tomorrow!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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