Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Baa Humbug!

Today I was determined -no more dog blips -there must be something out there I can find..

I really should make some plans to go to exciting places and take pictures whilst there,but autumn in Belgium never really inspires you to do so.Amazingly we had frost this morning and actual blue skies but I was being a wimp and wanted to stay inside in the warm.There will be plenty of time in the coming weeks to take frosty morn pictures I suppose.

So the blipping camera came with me when I went out to do some shopping which with 3 teens in the house ,I seem to do on a daily basis.I also wanted to look for some new lights for home as a) I fancy a change and b)the one above the kitchen table is so dull you can barely see your dinner which I suppose has pros and cons!

I went to Brico (belgian equivalent of B&Q) and found the lights I needed -success,did my food shopping and headed back to the car.I spotted some workmen putting up the xmas lights in a orange van and they were in orange suits so I wandered over and took a few pics.The shots look ok but a little boring and they must have thought I was a bit crazy!

On the way home I pass a field with a few sheep,so I stopped to see if I could get a nice picture.They noticed a car stopped and came running over obviously expecting to be fed,I did feel rather bad!They seemed friendly and not too mad at me ,so here we are ..

I liked this one because he was looking at me and I love his cute eyes( Iam assuming he is a boy I have no idea!)
And with all the Xmas ads on the TV already at the moment I think the phrase "Baa Humbug!"is appropriate!

Hope you had a good day and thanks for having a peek..

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