
By pattons6

300 already?

Mummy has told me I have done 300 of these! I had a little look through with mummy and boy have I got up to some adventures. Mummy and I have great fun looking through my pictures.

I have had a busy day today looking after my daddy. We had a wee long lie then got dressed and played. I then wanted to go out so got my hat and coat then gave them to daddy. So he took me out to the corner cafe for brunch.

Once home we had lots of jobs to do. I reminded daddy that he needed to put a door on the shoe cupboard. I brought him all the shoes through to jilt his memory.

Tonight I got a treat just like my brother and sister. It was so nice. It has been very busy keeping daddy in line. So after my bobo, I was too tired to keep my head up, I fell asleep in my chair. Mummy can you Please look after daddy tomorrow. It's to much for little old me!

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