
By pattons6

Ill, me?

Would you know from this picture that was taken first thing this morning that I was up being sick most of the night? Nope I didn't think so either! I went to bed early last night at 7pm. I then woke up at 9pm being very sick. Mummy thought I needed to go back to the doctors as my reflux medicine wasn't working, but no I have the horrible sickness bug that my sister had on Tuesday night.

So I had to have an extra bath, clean sheets, duvet, jammies. I was so tired though so went back to sleep straight away. Well of course 2 hours later I was back up being sick again. So again new sheets, jammies bath. This time mummy took me down stairs for a cuddle.

I eventually went down to sleep in the travel cot in mummy and daddy's room. But was awake another three times in the night retching as I had nothing left to be sick with.

This morning though I was up and bright as a button. I had a little dry toast and water for breakfast. Mummy gave me a little water and my medicine for lunch but come dinner time I was starving. So had a normal dinner. Now its bed time and I am absolutely shattered, after being up last night. The funny thing is my brother and daddy now have the sickness bug. So could be a long night for mummy. He he

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