Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Em & M

Original Badass Material

L was brave for her preschool jabs this afternoon. I took a new tactic and didn't warn her beforehand and just rocked up. She was fine, her bottom lip quivered and she buried her head in my chest but she didn't cry and allowed them to do the other injection in the 2nd arm straight afterwards.

Quick visit to Grandma this morning. She seems fine after her fall yesterday but she didn't want me there for long as she needed to catch up on some sleep. Im not sure how long she will allow me to turn up unannounced and visit her, every time she gets more and more reluctant to let me in. That is where we were before when she wouldn't make any plans and didn't want to see anyone until she was feeling more like herself again. My dad's going to see her tomorrow and hopefully get to the bottom of it

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