Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Meloncholly Smile

Brr a bit colder today. Made it to training for the first morning is weeks since halfterm/chickenpox/nits/lockingmyselfoutofthehouse/gate, it was nice to get it done so early.

Girls had their second week at Woodcraft Folk which this time was in an orchard. It would have been lovely but M had come straight from swimming at school so had wet hair. By the time I picked her up it was -0.5C and she was getting quite teary. Lovely E had given M her coat to try and warm her up. I was really impressed that despite how they sometime get on at home, or don't get on more to the point, that when it came to the crunch and I'm not around, E is there to look after her little sister.

All home and warm and in bed now and on to another day

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