Pharmacist Daze

By beerdadtwy

Chim chimernee

We went to see 'Gravity' in 3D.

The tickets are more expensive and you have another payment for the 'special glasses'.

I'm not a fan. It's not really 3-dimensional. You can't change your position and see behind something, you just get an impression on solidity. You pay for that with a dimmer, muddy image and a headache after an hour or so depending on how good the processing has been.

'Gravity' is a decent screenplay. Exciting and thrilling. The female lead is a scientist who has just lost her 4 year old to a freak accident, the male, a career astronaut. She's lost a child, he grieves for the loss,by the US, of the 'space-race'. The dialogue is functional and a tad 'hammy' but not awfully so.
The CGI is good and, IMO, the 3D is unnecessary.

I think we are being sold 3D because someone in Hollywood invented it and now it has to earn it's keep. It's the 'Emperor's new clothes'.

Theatre is 3D cinema, someone said.

The new film about how 'Mary Poppins' was made isn't in 3D. I look forward to that.

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