Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Cairo, Rome, Bcn, London and Glasgow in 24 hours!

We've done the Cairo -Rome -Barcelona route quite a few times now, but yesterday it turned out differently. We left the flat in Cairo yesterday at 1.30pm to catch our flight to Rome, due to leave at 5.30pm. However, it was an hour late leaving due to a technical problem and so we arrived in Rome, but missed our connection to Barcelona. So, together with a crowd of Egyptians and Italians, were taken to the Sheraton Hotel for the night and dined on spaghetti pomodoro , roast chicken and salad. Now this would have been ok, quite pleasant even, expect this overnighter in Rome meant missing our flight out of Barcelona early this morning heading to Glasgow via Gatwick! So before we could sit down and enjoy our free dinner last night and go to bed for under 5 hours sleep, we had to change our first flight out of Bcn. We were relieved to find this was still possible, but at a cost. What this then meant was a 45 minute turnaround in our house emptying our bags of summer clothes, packing clothes for colder climes and then heading back to the airport again! It was the first time I'd been home in 6 weeks and just for 45 mins! Anyway, we did it and made it to Gatwick, then to Glasgow and are now safely in my mum-in-law's in Largs. Cairo seems a long way off already!

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