Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Leaving Luxor

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An early start from Luxor: up at 4.00am, breakfast box delivered to our room at 4.30 and taxi booked for 5.00am! It was quite chilly at that time in the morning. Here's Bb, just before boarding the plane.

Back in Cairo, the pollution was even worse than normal. Our driver said it's worse in the winter with the low clouds.

We unpacked, settled into the flat again, got the washing machine on, the dry cleaning in (remembering this week that it's shut on Fridays!) and then we both worked in the afternoon - Bb in the flat and myself at school. We were tired though and so I did stuff that didn't need any brain power: mounds of photocopying for the course, preparing the trainees' portfolios, chose the course books, and met with my co-trainers to make sure we're all ready to go on Sunday!

Bb met me at school at 6.30pm and we went for an early dinner to the Indian restaurant, Kandahar. Both tucked up in bed by 9.15!

Tomorrow, I'll be back into school again and Bb has work to do too. We'd like to both have Saturday completely off.

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