
By majicmoments

"Parachutes and Pies"

"I know an old Seagull...
who swallowed a Pie...
I dont know why...
he swallowed a Pie...
perhaps he'l die...

or at least not fly... for a bit!

Burl Ives... slightly altered...

I pulled out of the Brighton walk'n talk today..due to the wind & rain.. gone all
spongy-soft in my 'autumn phase'.. was looking forward to joining blippers..Karen &
Chrissy on the walk.. two determined ladies who went roaming over the hills and
far away.. so look out for their blips later. I headed to the town centre..& stopped to
admire the parachute art-work on the newish Pie shop wall... suddenly our seagull
landed right in front of my face!...i got of one wobbly shot.. then he stretched his neck
up like it was rubber... & let out one big complaint at me.. full blast..blimey!..a quite wonderfull long...quoark.... But i got

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