
By Doingok

Sun Salutation

Clough (pronounced Cleff) State Park on a cold but beautifully sunny Azure blue sky day. Myles and I took our 1st real walk in 4 weeks. This park is near home and is much more popular in summer. In fact I thought we had it to ourselves and took other pictures you can find here. I took Myles off the leash, unsure how he would behave because he rarely gets this opportunity if I have no treats to call him back with. He did very well and stayed near, checking in every few seconds. I was putting the camera away when I saw this man on the walkway above the Dam Couldn't resist. Lots of reflecting done while in this quiet and serene place. Reflecting on how when you live through the the worst of times, you can appreciate the small joys and live in the moment without worrying about the trivial annoyances. Just being. And of course Myles always helps with enjoying the simple joys.

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