....told you I could skate......

Another busy busy day.

At work before 8.00 to help sort breakfast for our Russian guests......four lessons to teach......and one trying desperately to plan some lessons for next week...this week has been so hectic I'm behind.

3.30 collect Larissa, Yulia and Elena.......bundle them into the car....drive them home to see "how an English teacher lives"..........tea for Yulia and Elena....and an Irish Coffee for Larissa! They went through the house asking dozens of questions...about hebs paintings on the wall.....the sports trophies....the photographs...my collection of vodka...the garden....the orchids...the cat....the list was almost endless.

Drive them back to work for 5.45 for dinner, help to serve....eat...tidy up. Then all into town for 10 pin bowling...picked up a ball....not a chance with my torn ligament, which is still giving me pain. So I contented myself with a spot of coaching....paid off...... the English boys beat the Russian boys!

My mate Lisa couldn't resist but to tell hebs the tale of my fall on the ice rink in Siberia...that resulted in 4 stitches in a head wound...so here it is the proof....something I rarely own up to....I learned to figure skate when I was young......to advanced level....to pass I had to cut figures on the ice....perform three different spins and two different jumps...and skate a short routine to music....I was a real mini John Curry/Robin Cousins.

There now........ my shameful secret is out....and hebs you are now my witness...you've seen my certificate.!

A triple toe loop to you all!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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