Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


Loads of bright, colourful leaves in piles in our tiny back garden. Then this one, solitary leaf on top of the dustbin caught my eye.

Caught my eye and struck a chord as I've felt in need of a bit of solitude recently. I think it was spending the day by myself in London last Saturday that triggered this realisation. Yes, I had the day to myself but apart from an hour or so in the morning when I was able to walk through the quiet streets before the streets fully woke up I was surrounded by people, stimulated by ideas, opinions, inspiration.

This week has also been challenging in that money I was expecting - and relying on - wasn't forthcoming and this has caused tremendous problems, leaving me feeling drained and let down.

So I've taken a couple of days off so that I can fend off the winter cold that is threatening to take over my system and also to give myself some headspace. Time to think, time to just 'be'.

Roland has been very lovely and sensible and reassuring and I know he's right. I just hate the financial uncertainty and deep down I know that we are in a much better place than this time last year and that we are definitely much better off than many people.

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