
By tadpoleview


This morning started very cold and crisp, and I was due to be taking a friend from church up for a flight. We planned to go north to Tewkesbury, then back down the Severn Valley to the bridges and back to the airfield. However, although we started with very few clouds, by the time we had got north of Cirencester we had been forced down to a lower level in order to stay out of them. So we decided to turn round and fly back to the airfield.

Having flown slowly northwards against quite a strong wind at 2500 feet or so we returned with a reasonable tail wind component quite quickly! - Its surprising what a difference a bit of wind can make! Go with it and its easy, go against it and its hard work! But that doesn't necessarily make going against it wrong!

See yesterday's blip for more about wind. Todays picture is one of the bright yellow sunset from our landing window.

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