Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

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Just one week ago today I displayed the campus construction and the HUGE hole just outside the library building, which is the building directly across from me in this photo and it is where my office is located.

Well, today I was surprised to see that the hole is gone, not the dirt, but the hole. There's still lots of dirt, but the trenches (or are those ditches?) that have been dug there in the middle of it all reveal that a foundation and structure will soon be visible.

This photo was taken just moments before 1 o'clock as I walked out of my classroom in the CACT Building. The batteries in my cheapie camera died, so my phone's camera was put to work.

It was a good day in the classroom, but grueling. I am teaching my writing students how to detect the signals, clues, and inferences when reading a newspaper or magazine article. They just want to read as fast as they can so they can say they've done the work--doesn't matter that they don't have a clue what they've read. But I find it rewarding when they begin to grasp the concept of critical reading and they "get it." Today, I could see by the expressions on their faces that some of them were "getting it."

It's just 9:30, and Mr. Fun is sitting next to me here in the family room sound asleep and I keep nodding off, so I think I'll excuse myself now and go to bed. Good night everyone.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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