
By KevinFoto

Movember Selfie

3 Weeks in and a nice bottle of red adult grape juice to celebrate getting this far. Finally got the shape and style the way I wanted it.

I have titled this as Movember Selfie as these are two words that up till now did not feature as real words in spell checkers. This will however have to change as Movember is now an international campaign for the promotion of men’s health issues and cancer and a very worthwhile campaign it is. Head to the Movember website to find out more.

As for the second word, Selfie, this has now been recognised by The Oxford Dictionary as “Word of the Year”. Unfortunately this shot isn’t really a Selfie as it was not taken with a camera phone or personal mobile device and I did have to use my “patent pending” automatic shutter release device. Which would be asking Mrs F very nicely to hold the camera and push the button. Honest I set everything else up myself.

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