Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Puppy eyes.

Little dude is quite the Whovian. He can walk past a toy shop or a lolly shop without batting an eyelid.... But see Doctor Who merch, I get dragged into the shop with much enthusiasm (from him... I was in agony and wanted to get home) and delighted noises... And puppy eyes. Ohhhhh, the puppy eyes. He didn't get the Dalek.... He didn't get anything.... To his knowledge. While he was off practically drooling on the display and making everyone in the shop melt at the level of cute and Doctor Who knowledge in one small boy, I was sneaky Mummy, and got him a decent size TARDIS, which got stashed in my conveniently huge handbag (I swear.... It IS bigger on the inside). Little dude has no idea. He seemed a little disheartened when he left empty handed, but we left with the bribery tactic "well, maybe if you're a really good boy, there might be something Doctor Who-ish for Christmas".

Making my sneakiness funnier (to me, at least), on the way out of the shopping centre... Being apparently the Christmas season, the decorations are out. Walking by some absurd shop with absurdly priced china nativity statues in the window. Of course there were angels... Little dude stopped, concerned. Tried not blinking. But couldn't last. He blinked, and was pleased to find the angels hadn't moved. So he poked his tongue out and told them they can't get him while there's glass in the way, and firmly closed his eyes for a few seconds. Only opening them when I reached around and touched the arm furthest away from me, which resulted in a blood curdling scream, a supremely pissed off face being made at me, and "that was NOT funny, Mum".
Hehheh.... Totally was!

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