Candid Camera

By weebone

Fine Wine and Friends

Had a fabulous night last night. Invited some college people over for dinner and encouraged them to bring their flatmates / housemates / friends who might be new to the town as a chance to mix and meet new people. I cooked. Yes that's right - I cooked! Two different pasta dishes, roast veg, salad and of course red/white/rosé wine. Picked three wines I hadn't tried before. Really enjoyed the rosé and will definitly buy that one again. Didn't try the Shiraz but I just liked the label! Everything I see I think of that song...

"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket,
save it for a rainy day.
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket,
never let it fade away."

(I worked in that nursery for far too long...)

For the record people were very complimentary about my cooking and as far as I know, nobody was in hospital this morning. Always a good sign.

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