Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


But not as many lights as I thought it would be in town this evening.
Met a friend that I haven't seen for a while and her adorable little girl that grown so much since the last time I saw her. We took a long walk and it was much fun catching up! :)
I had a bit of time between my bus arriving and meeting them, so I took some shots in town. Really getting dark after sunset now!

Yesterday's photo course went well. I had yet another 'student' so next friday I think there will be two of them! Yippi!! ;) Since she missed the first lesson I quickly showed her that one and then got on with the second one. She doesn't speak much Swedish so I had to do it in English instead, which was ok, but would've been easier if I hadn't gotten an unplanned lesson for an hour in Kurdish right before. So, filled with a lot of new Kurdish words and some grammar I needed to switch to English. I think I babbled a bit, but she was happy with the photo lesson anyway. Pfwe!

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