
I had a swim this morning then went straight from the Marriott to the Traff. I aimed to be there for 10am when it opened, buy what I needed and home by half past. In fact I surpassed myself....parked up at 9.55, bought what I needed by 10.05, back to car and raced to Jude's to feed her cats by 10.15 and home by 10.20. There were no flies on me this morning.

I went into town to meet Ellen and Isobel, we had brunch in The Alchemist. We then had a wander, but it was not easy as town was absolutely heaving. Isobel was in full shopping mode and after a while I decided to leave them to it and go off and take some pics. There were plenty of 'interesting characters' about but I failed to bag a good shot. I got fed up of dodging people so I headed off home.

It is Judy's birthday today so I nipped round to see her. Chris was down from the Lakes and they are off out for a meal tonight. I had a cuppa with them and warmed up by the fire, but I had to tear myself away and go to Tesco.

With all jobs done I can now chill with Saturday night TV...Return of the Jedi followed by The Chase, Doctor Who and I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here....lovely!

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