
By mollymay49


We read in the paper this morning there was a BMW car meet in Guildford, hubby wanted to see the cars, I wanted to find a "sleek" blip for the challenge topic, perfect!
I know this isn't a BMW, it's a 1964 Porsche original model, we were chatting with the guy who owned it for a while, he was quite obviously in love with this sleek looking car and was more than eager to tell us about its history and the manufacturer and how long he had it etc. which went way above my head!! But I had to agree it looked a sweet ride!!
A bit sleeker than some of the BMW's that were on show...

A change in the weather today, we set of this afternoon with the top down in the MX5, on the way home it went very overcast then some light rain, we are still in our shorts and T's, definitely not cold, but the hood went up on the car!!

Now we await the World Cup Rugby final next weekend, "our wish was granted"we were hoping for a kiwi Australia final, after watching a nail biter of a match last night between England & NewZealand, we had to feel sorry for the poms at the end of the match I must admit. It was snatched from under their nose!!
I'm not saying anything about the other "walkover" game the Kangaroos played against Fiji, except "I don't think the final will be as easy" and Fiji did well to go as far as they did...

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