
By scharwenka

Christmas market in Oxford

I think that this is the first time that there been a seasonal market of this kind. The location is St Giles, a wide road, usually filled with traffic, but now closed to vehicles.

We used to live on this street, and every year there is a Michaelmas Fair in September; I have explained previously about our house and the fair.

This kind of pre-Christmas fair is well known in Germany, and our photograph shows that some aspects of the German scene appeal to local residents.

There was a tent with attractions and activities for children, and several young research students from the University's Department of Chemistry (my own department) ha turned out to give an entertaining show involving glowing (chemiluminescent and fluorescent substances) and this sticky gloop, announced as "Rudolph's Snot". This show constitutes, apparently, "Alchemical Outreach"...... Now we know what future undergraduates will be enthused by to study the subject!

Here is the general scene in the street.

Other attractions include:

A brewer from The Netherlands with the excellent product of his microbrewery (very tasty and refreshing samples provided);

Some very bright soft toys.

At the annual Michaelmas Fair, a helter-skelter was erected just in front of our house (near the churchyard of St Giles Church)). For this Christmas event, the helter-skelter was further south, more or less opposite The Randolph.

Here they come!

Old favourites like the Victorian Roundabout were out as well.

Up and down the street were many stalls selling food of greater or lesser attraction. Some was very Gaudy, such as this Guimauve, which I think translates as marshmallow. Don't try melting it on the BBQ!

Time to go back there this morning, and check up on the chemists.

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