
By antipodean

Phoebe's birthday

I'm taking a lot of photos on my phone at the moment, which means a lot of updating on my phone.

Today was busy but lovely! I had a nice brunch with Mum and Dad to officially celebrate my birthday. We went to Tomboy, which is a great little cafe in Fitzroy. After brunch Mum and I went shopping along Brunswick Street to get a few things for my holiday (we leave on Monday yay!). I got some really nice things and it is so nice to buy summer clothes. Haven't done that in a while!

This evening we celebrated Phoebe's birthday (it's actually tomorrow) with pres at hers and then some drinks at the Great Britain, a pub in Richmond. It was a really nice night - more low key than Thursday, which I think is what made it so nice.

My gorgeous girl! She is apparently 'doing the Honey Boo Boo' here. This is why we love her.

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