
By Tryfan46

Footpath on Lyth Hill, Shropshire

Margaret and Ian live just to the south west of Shrewsbury in a small village in the midst of lovely countryside. After yesterday's activities we had a leisurely breakfast and while our hosts prepared Sunday lunch we took the opportunity to walk up to Lyth Hill Country Park.

We discovered Lyth Hill last year while staying with Margaret and Ian. It has magnificent views along the length of the ridge, loking down over the valley to Church Stretton and away to the Wrekin to the North East, Ironbridge Gorge to the East, Caer Caradoc and the Lawley to the South East and the Longmynd to the south. A cracking place.

Unfortunately it was difficult to capture the grandure of the view but on the way down Susan spotted this lovely little cameo just off the road.

After a super lunch is was back on the road for another suprisingly uneventful journey back to Kent. Just over the 4 hours. A great weekend with lovely company.

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