
By Tryfan46

Not to be out done, we have our own scaffolding

The people up the road are having an extension built but we couldn't be left out so we arranged for our own scaffolding to be erected.

There's been an intermittent leak somewhere up there for a few years now. After heavy rain from the west water comes in from somewhere and drips over the kitchen door. It'll be dry for months and then after a deluge in will come the water again.

So we had to bite the bullet and find out where that leak is and get it fixed. I rang 8 builders and roofers and only one was interested enough on the work. Most did not reply or failed to turn up to give a quotation. The company we found are Which? Local recommended and are recognised by Trading Standards as a good outfit. We'll see. Their quote was very thorough and it will be good to get that leak sorted as well as one or two other roof related problems.

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