
It was a very lazy day today, in fact it was a toss up whether I could be bothered to get up at one point. It was a good job I decided to rise from my pit as Margaret sent an SOS, she needed some computer help so I went round and sorted it out for her. Whilst I was there a gorgeous fox slunk into her garden, I grabbed my camera and ever so carefully opened the door, but he took one look at the camera and scarpered...sigh.

Avril phoned as I was on my way home so I nipped over to her new rooms where she does tutoring and we had a catch up. Her first pupil of the day was due to arrive at four so I left her to prepare and I headed home. That is the sum of my day and I've just searched around for something blipworthy. Ellen had given me some flowers for taking pics at Isobel's birthday and so I decided on one of them.

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