A year in Canada

By jennyoneb

Day 51 – Plains of Abraham, Quebec City

Today was a little chilly but sunny so we took a picnic up to the Plains of Abraham, a large bluff named after a man called Abraham who used to graze his animals there. The plains have two Martello Towers, a band stand and lots of benches. The bluff sits above the St Lawrence River so it’s a nice place to wander around and enjoy the views. The Plains of Abraham was also a famous battle field which saw the British army see off the French who owned Quebec and the region up until that battle in 1759. The battle was the culmination of a three month British siege of the city and involved 10,000 troops. The battle lasted 15 minutes and saw the leaders of both sides mortally wounded! It was the beginning of the end for the French in North America and within four years the remaining French owned enclaves were ceded to the British in the Treaty of Paris.

On a lighter note, the Autumnal trees are so beautiful with some showing green, yellow and red leaves all on the same tree! Fall is a great time to visit Canada.

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