Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Today we left our lovely Eco lodge in Bwindi to drive to the next park, Lake Mburo National Park. We had to go a LONG way out of the way as our drivers were worried about the shortest road being so muddy that another truck might be stuck so we couldn't get around or a bridge might be impassable . It IS the rainy season. So we got to see some of Queen Elizabeth park again and lots more of the red dirt path they call a road. It was 6 1/2 hours til we stopped for lunch. Hot. Then a bit more to get to the park where we met a ranger for a walk, almost got chased by a Cape Buffalo saw Topi and lots of Impala, and because of some large miscommunication between the ranger and our guide/drivers we walked UP (!) to what we thought was our lodge, which was lovely, collapsed on the couches, ordered a cold beer, only to find out our lodge was really another 40 minute drive ! Ugh. So we got there in the pitch dark after a long day to our tent in the bush that we couldn't really see til morning.
But I have not blipped any elephants yet-which are my favorite-so chose these 2 bachelors just hanging out in Queen Elizabeth park ( the perk for our "detour"). One of our drivers has spent 3 years doing elephant research so was full of good info. These are part of a bigger bachelor herd.

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