I'm a man with a mission in two or three editions

DDW November - Wild

For the past month, I have been nagging, nae, encouraging Boy to get the bloody Thesis handed in, well get it completed anyways. He has been invisible to the naked eye. I capture glimpses of him on Social Networking sites, where he has been on, and off again in the flicker of a page.

I write "hello", and he writes "Hello" back. Nothing else.

Last week, a week before the deadline he wrote, "Mum, stop it, you are making me nervous where I wasn't before". So I stopped. But he never came back and said "wow, I'm finished", or "it's progressing".

This morning, I awoke to an email "Ta Da". It was sent at 7 am my time, midnight his time. He was proof reading it once more. He had sent it to me for a look.


Fifty Pages.

16,000 words.

Big words.


History .


My child hath produced.

My child is educated.

This is WILD man! Wild.

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