Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Night manoeuvres.

Another Monday rolls around..It is always a challenge for us as it is a Scout night and other than hubby we all take part and have varying meetings to attend.It ends up being a juggle driving to and fro from Beavers upto Explorers.

We are working towards the First aid badge in Scouts and I was asked to get some bandages for the Scouts to practice with-an easy request you would think?Well they aren't sold in the supermarket so I had to pop in the local pharmacy on the way home.I made my request in French ( i impressed my self!) only to be disappointed to find that they only had one in stock but they could order some for me to be there for 6 o clock!Unimpressed I agreed and return on one of my runs out and about.To my frustration having ordered 5 they only had 2-what would I do it they were needed for a wounded child?We managed to come up with enough of varying sizes to be useful for the evening,but the way that these places seem to carry such low stock is frustrating and you end up having to make several visits to get what you need!
Ok Rant over!

I was trying desperately not to resort to a doggy blip and found my inspiration on the way to Scouts.
The local farmers had grown some crops of field corn,which is used mainly as an animal feed and tonight was harvest time!Quite why they started to do so at 7 pm I don't know but it looked really cool seeing the huge machines working away with lights ablazing.One was some distance away so all you could see was the lights in the middle of the field and the other was nearer the road and loading a lorry on the edge of a roundabout-only in Belgium!

I stopped on my way home to take a few pics and I think it looks pretty mean.I didn't get too close because they were rather noisy and also I didn't want to upset the farmers.They probably thought I was more than a little crazy,but this is the world of blipping I suppose!

Thanks for having a peek and sorry this was blipped late as I was having I photo crashing problems last night-grr!

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