Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Naked tree!

After yesterdays huge piece of farm machinery I wasn't sure what to blip today.
I drove past the fields that were the scene of hard work last night and they looked pretty sad and bare.Not a pretty scene for a Blip even if it seemed like a good idea.

I also saw the farmers ploughing their fields with some huge tractors and ploughs-although it looked interesting I didn't have time to stop and I thought it was taking my obsession with farm machinery too far!

After seeing the doctor today about my back which I strained 10 days ago,I had to do the usual supermarket pop in-with 2 teens and one nearly teen I am always at the shops buying more food!Anyway I looked around and saw the trees and then a memory from Germany came back to me.Son no2 who was 2 at the time and very talkative thought it was perfectly logical to call the trees that had lost their leaves for winter "naked tree"
Much laughter would come from the other 2 as we would drive down the road to school and son no2 would point at each and every one shouting "naked tree"!

So there we have it ,blip for the day ,no dogs or farm machinery in sight!apologies about the quality as the light was dire-they sky was deep grey looking like the world was going to end!

Thanks for taking a peek and I hope your days have gone well..

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