
By misswinterfinch


This reflective image looks interesting to me with Gracie T-t posing in her warm corner inside the living room looking out at me trampling through the snow after filling the bird feeders. Both the snowy outside and the plants inside with cat, even a slight reflection of the plaid shirtsleeve of the camera woman all appear about equal in value. Brief visit of sun before the sky has closed up again.

Three more inches of snow last night. Actually have to use the snow shovel to shift the fluffy stuff out of the way so the car can get out for today's necessary shopping. Taking a chance today because tomorrow is predicted for 100% snowfall and the next day 100% ice pellets. That's for thanksgiving Day when everyone travels to someone's house for a big feast. (blip to follow, if I can drive out).
Are we having January in November?
If so, what will January & February bring?
Any chance of an early spring?

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