Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Il dolce far niente

The sweetness of doing nothing.

Sorry it's been a while my computer has obviously had a breakdown and has signed me out of everything, like Facebook, YouTube and Blip! And because this had never happened before I've totally forgotten my bloody login, not realising I changed what email it was linked too when I changed facebook accounts. Sometimes my cleverness gets away with me. Anyways, I'm back in after an email of the lovely support team.

I took this photo because I was inspired by my wallpaper behind, which (I think) creates a lovely vintage feel. For the first time I wanted to use my tripod so It wasn't one of those too close, weird arm selfies. I'm not vain but I love this picture.

College is going well, we have a new project called 'Illusion' where we have to create a transfer which goes on a bowl, a side plate and a big plate but they all sort of have to work together. I think I'm going to go off the idea of the masquerade ball theme, sort of the illusion of being something you're not. Might be quite cute, I think I may incorporate Romeo and Juliet in there somewhere, make it romantic. Because clearly, I'm all romance.

Also, me and the weird boy that follows me are thinking of going on our first holiday. I don't know why because I cant fly. Like, end of. Never ever. I have flown in the past and practically had a mental breakdown on the way there and back. If we go our flight will be early therefore meaning I have no time to worry (apart from every single moment ever). Honestly, why do I do these things to myself. But because he studies aeroplanes I'm hoping he'll be able to give me some scientific reassurance.

Happy Blipping.

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