Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Katie, 11 months

Busboy and I babysat this morning for Katie, who's his granddaughter and my great-niece. We had a morning of nursery rhymes, stories, songs, jiggling, tickling and dancing and then after 2hrs, just as my repertoire was fading, she also faded and had a 45 minute snooze. Then it was all go again! She can fairly get around by crawling, pulling herself along the sofa etc and it won't be too long before she's toddling. Then the fun will really start for my niece! Her hands will be full with Katie and Michael, who's a 5yr old bundle of high energy.

EDIT: Sorry to those who have already commented, but I decided to change the original pic for this one of Katie having a wee sleep. It's not often I get the chance to put one of us both on.

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