Family Dog

By Family_Dog

on top of the world

I would like to tell you that I took this picture, after climbing up Cruachan (a Munroe) but I would be lying. This was taken by Bry - and the 2 wee people you can see are our friends Andy & Nicky as they survey the world below them.

I really wanted to do my first ever Munroe but not having walking boots - and only having wellies - I thought it best not to make my first ever one a nightmare. Just as well I didn't. By the time everybody got back it was easy to see that even with walking boots I'd have been struggling. It was a tough one by all accounts.

All though, being on the babysitting squad back at the house wasn't exactly a walk in the park either - they maybe walked up a mountain but we had to keep 4 kids happy all day!

Who had the toughest job? I ask ya!

After we were all assembled again, we sat down to an absolute FEAST, cooked by Sophie - roast lamb, with all the trimmings including cheese & brocolli & cauliflower and loads of gravy and roasties and oh my god it was amazing.

We sat around filling our faces and feeling sad that the holiday was at an end.

What an amazing time.

I've said it before - aren't we lucky?!

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