Spot, Bernice, and Rusty

This is Spot (the spotted one), Bernice (the burro), and Rusty (the other horse.)

This is how the conversation me.

BERNICE: "Look at her Spot. Look how she eats so she's the queen of the pasture. Why doesn't she eat like the rest of us Spot? Answer me that Spot. What makes her so special?"

SPOT: "I refuse to look her way Bernice. Forget about the way she eats...what's with her name?"

BERNICE: "Whaddya mean Spot?"

SPOT: " can tell why they call me Spot...'CAUSE I'M COVERED WITH SPOTS! But Rusty? Look at her. With her head, her tail, and some of her legs...I'm going to say 27 per cent of her is rust-colored. What were they thinking of when they picked out her name?"

BERNICE: "What did you want them to name her?"

SPOT: "Since she looks like a worn-out and weathered about Bad Shingle...BS for short? NO...WAIT! Since her colors resemble those things we look out about Dirty Window? OR...OR...I don't care if it is already a about the old Gray Mare? HA HA HA! Oh my Bernice...I think I just laughed off 3 of my spots!!!"

Rusty finally speaks.

RUSTY: (Who must be a poet.)
"While you 2 were throwing insults my way...
with your neighs, and with your brays.
I was making headway with the hay...
and now I've finished the hay buffet."

Moral of the story? Don't make fun of others. It makes you feel like a heel...and you might miss a meal.

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