Like a...

1. Like a shot put waiting to be propelled.
2. Like a regular orange waiting to be sectioned.
3. Like a volleyball waiting to be bumped, set, and spiked.
4. Like an apple (not quite round) waiting to be sauced.
5. Like a softball waiting to be lobbed.
6. Like a grapefruit waiting to be sugared.
7. Like a baseball waiting to be hurled.
8. Like a kiwi (not quite round #2)waiting to be sliced.
9. Like a basketball waiting to be dunked.
10. Like a tomato waiting to be saladed.
11. Like a frisbee waiting to be caught by a jumping dog.
12. Like an avocado waiting to be thrown out. (Don't like them.)
13. Like a golf ball waiting to be launched.

(Wanted to stop here...but can't end on unlucky #13.)

14. Like a peach waiting to be de-fuzzed. are the last of the Osage Oranges...ready and waiting to take the plummet from high in the the hard frozen ground below.

The last of the green spheres...the last of the green orbs...the last of the round ones.

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