l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee


I said I was cold so he told me to lower my inner body temperature. Easy peasy.

Interesting how it can be as simple as that. The brain is quite remarkable, it controls everything. It makes your heart beat, your legs move, your eyes blink, your body warm up.

And yet we put it through so much.
We pound our head against the wall because life is just so darn tough.
We make it replay horrific memories over and over again, torturing ourselves until we can finally wrap our head around why this or that happened.

We take it for granted.
We ignore the things it tells us in our dreams.
We don't walk the other way when it tells us to.
We overthink when it has the answer right in front of you.

The brain is here to help you.
The brain is your friend.

We treat it as an enemy because we are scared.
We are scared of anything all-knowing.

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