Helping out

A Gran'n'Grandad day today, and after a very late night (birthday presents and cake kind of late) and then a disrupted night's sleep (thanks to Bear eating nearly a whole bag of satsumas yesterday) and then a fairly early morning (well, before 8.30am) Bear decided that today was a day to not bother wanting a daytime nap.

Eventually after lots of playtime and then at least half an hour in the garden helping Grandad sweep up the leaves and then learn a bit about skateboarding with the help of Daddy's old skateboard, the boys settled down to some train track play. I asked if Bear would like to come with me to the shop and he shouted at me, which I took to mean he wanted to play with the trains.

I came back from the shops to find him flat out on the sofa, having fallen asleep in Grandad's arms! Gran said he was calling a bit for Mama, so they ALL called for Mama (very loudly, which made her jump, which made Bear laugh) and then they called for Mama quietly, and then Grandad walked around with Bear for a bit, talking and chatting, until eventually they settled down on the sofa together and Bear fell asleep <3

What a boy.

This evening I've been reading some of my latest book acquisition. "Raising Boys" by Steve Biddulph, which I've been meaning to buy for at least a couple of years now. And as I read about boys getting to the age where they tend to want a strong male role model to learn how to be male from, Bean goes and asks Daddy to come sit with him while he snuggles up in bed to fall asleep. The boy who still loves Mama's milk, is growing up again. I'm fairly sure there will be many more nights of nursing to sleep, but I suspect now there will start to become less of them.

Quite humbling, watching your sons grow up.

I don't have any babies any more.

I need another one...

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